Learn & Explore

HEFN helps funders invest in places where environmental, health, and community concerns intersect. This brings diverse funders together to learn, collaborate, and make a bigger difference. While each funder finds a unique focus, many are focused on:

Grantmaking is helping communities assess and improve local environmental conditions for health.

Funders are supporting a shift from toxic to safer chemicals and materials.

Grantmakers are addressing environmental, health, and community concerns related to energy.

Philanthropy is improving understanding about how the environment affects health.

Explore these issue areas to learn about issues, find good "first-reads” to dive deeper, and see what other funders are doing. The Resource Library and Funder Stories offer more ways to learn and explore.

HEFN helps funders find their place and connect with others who care about environmental health and justice. Get in touch with us to share your questions and interests.

From Our Blog

Blog posted on July 19, 2024
Dear HEFN Community,  Don’t get distracted! Keep your eyes on the prize. Here’s how:

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