December 2017

A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
Tree-shaped word cloud of 2017 HEFN Annual Meeting
We asked funders who attended HEFN’s 2017 Annual Meeting on “Rewriting the Rules” to share their top takeaways in a post-meeting survey. The myriad thoughtful responses ranged from the pointed – “Flint still has a water crisis” -- to the poignant – “It is incredibly frightening the trajectory of increased health and environmental threats that will be growing under the current political and economic paradigm and the people in the room give me HOPE” – to the poetic – “Funders need to learn how to dance.”

Who We Are

Steering Committee Member
Trevor is the Program Officer at the NorthLight Foundation, which focuses on strengthening and broadening the environmental movement, particularly by supporting grassroots frontline organizations, Just Transition efforts, cross-movement collaboration,...

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