
Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash
In these disruptive times, it’s not always easy to know where the right balance is between staying a course and responding to changing realities, or between focusing on “our issues” and forging alliances across issues when there are so many challenges around...
Photo Credit: Ron Schwane/AP
The question I ask daily is, of these good people with kindness in their hearts, are there more outspoken than silent ones? Are there more activated people than passive ones? Are there more brave ones than cowards?
Smell Pittsburgh App
Over the past several years, the Environment & Health Program at The Heinz Endowments has prioritized work to help the Pittsburgh region become truly livable. But it is hard to imagine how a city with dirty air, a notably toxic built environment, safe...
Image from 'Rogue One:  A Star Wars Story'
I’m obsessed with analogies. I feel like I can’t claim to understand a given issue unless I can describe it effectively using an analogy that’s both intuitive and provocative (and hopefully positively delightful to boot). I’m also obsessed with science...
Credit:  NASA
We're pleased to share a review of HEFN’s work in 2016. It was a year of milestones and movements, of political tensions and strengthening alliances.
Flint Lead Poisoning Image - Flint Water Tower
With the widespread media coverage of Flint, Michigan’s water crisis, cities, advocacy groups, and philanthropy have adjusted their assumption that the country’s laws and infrastructure assure the public safe and healthy drinking water. In response, the...
Recent Prize Winners
Major awards are shining much-deserved light on champions of environmental health and justice. The recent winners have varied stories; there's a student, an attorney, a pediatrician, biologists, a grantmaker, and an environmental health advocate. But their...
Pittsburgh Riverfront - Photo Credit Mark Perrott
Catastrophes like the Flint water crisis could happen in Pittsburgh, if we ignore the needs of our community and believe that public health and prosperity cannot go hand-in-hand. Heinz Endowments President Grant Oliphant writes about why Flint matters and how...
Lead Levels Graphic
Clean drinking water is a health essential, but too often not people’s reality. This post explores what the unfolding story in Flint Michigan is revealing about environmental health hazards, as well as what it's catalyzing in philanthropy to improve...
Brian Byrd and Dana LaVenture
At P.S. 51, an elementary school in the Bronx that was sited in a former lamp factory, children had been reporting assorted illnesses over the years. Testing at P.S. 51 revealed dangerous levels of toxins, but parents weren't informed for more than six months...


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