
A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
HEFN member Amy Solomon of the Bullitt Foundation talks about how they integrated environmental health considerations into construction of their new building, the Bullitt Center, soon to be the world's largest commercial "living building."
HEFN Director Kathy Sessions discusses the questions she hears most often about philanthropic investment in environmental health and justice work: how much is there, where is it going, where does it come from, and whether it is increasing or decreasing.
HEFN's inaugural Giving InSight blog post describes what it’s like to sit where we sit and see what we see from HEFN’s unique spot in the field of environmental health and environmental justice philanthropy.


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Steering Committee Member
The Founder of Philanthropic + Nonprofit Consulting, Anuja works with foundations, donors, affinity groups and nonprofits on a range of critical environmental, gender, racial, social justice, and cross-movement intersectional issues.

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