Climate Change / Energy

A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
Ramtin and Kim Wasserman Goldman reception
This blog post applauds this year's Goldman Environmental Prize winners, the world's biggest award for grassroots environmental heros, including North America winner Kim Wasserman Nieto who shared her community organizing work for cleaner air, climate justice...
Caitlin Johnson, 2011-2013 Fellow at the George Gund Foundation, describes her experience working on fracking's impact on economic development and civic participation in Ohio.
Marketplace headline
If changing demographics are pointing to deeper support for the environment among people of color and younger voters, then why does environmental philanthropy feel so embattled right now? HEFN Director Kathy Sessions explores the challenges and opportunities...
Lower 48 states shale plays
Still not sure what the big deal is about fracking? HEFN Program Manager Ramtin Arablouei has 7 reasons why your foundation should be paying attention to this controversial method for extracting natural gas.
A blog post on summarizing the key findings on NGO and philanthropic activity surrounding fracking from HEFN's Fracking Survey 2012.
Heeten Kalan
Heeten Kalan, Senior Program Officer at the New World Foundation and HEFN Steering Committee member, authored this week's blog post. In it, he reflects on the philosophies of Martin Luther King Jr. and Mohandas Gandhi, and the potential for philanthropy to...
HEFN's resolutions to make everyone's lives more clean and green in 2013.
Dodge Foundation Sandy
Margaret Waldock of the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation in New Jersey reflects on life after Sandy and shares how the Dodge Foundation and other philanthropists are helping New Jersey rebuild smarter and stronger.
Vanessa Daniel
Vanessa Daniel of the Groundswell Fund and Phil Johnson of the Heinz Endowments reflect HEFN’s 2012 Annual Meeting on how philanthropy can overpower polluter influence to win healthier conditions for people and the environment.
HEFN's Program Manager Ramtin Arablouei shares his perspective on and hopes for diversity in philanthropy.


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Who We Are

Steering Committee Member
Trevor is the Program Officer at the NorthLight Foundation, which focuses on strengthening and broadening the environmental movement, particularly by supporting grassroots frontline organizations, Just Transition efforts, cross-movement collaboration,...

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