Clean energy

A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
David Fukuzawa, Cecilia Estolano and Miya Yoshitani at HEFN 2014 Annual Meeting
“We have faith in a different vision of 2029, because we have witnessed our own power to change the future.” These encouraging words from Michele Prichard of the Liberty Hill Foundation opened and framed HEFN’s 2014 annual meeting, Fifteen Forward:...
In this blog post, guest authors make the case for a Surgeon General's-type report is needed before approval is given for a controversial natural gas processing plant in Cove Point, Maryland.
This blog post takes a look at how philanthropy can leverage Divest-Invest principles, which encourage divesting assets from fossil fuels and investing in clean energy and sustainable practices and products, in order to support a cleaner, healthier future.
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Who We Are

Steering Committee Member
Dr. Ann Blake combines thirty years of experience finding safer chemicals and materials in over a dozen different global sectors of consumer product manufacturing with her passion for economic and environmental justice and systems approaches to the task of...

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